Makuu proudly honors the accomplishments of our students in an annual ceremony that takes place on the Saturday preceding Commencement, The Makuu Senior Celebration. Our award recipients are nominated by members of the Penn community and voted on by a committee of staff members. A tradition for twenty years, the awards showcase the spectrum of talent, passion, and aptitude on display in our student community. Asé!
SAVE THE DATE: 2025 Makuu Senior Awards
We welcome graduating seniors, current students, staff, alumni, and families to join us for our 2025 celebration occurring on Saturday, May 17th, at 10:00am. A reception will follow at 12:00pm in the Arch Building. Formal RSVP and awards nomination to follow.
Class of 2024 & Makuu Senior Award Recipients

RAYMOND PACE ALEXANDER AWARD: presented to a senior in recognition of all-around outstanding achievement in leadership, peer relationships, relationships with faculty and administrators, academic performance (GPA equal to or greater than 3.0).
- Taussia Boadi, The College of Arts & Sciences
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR AWARD: presented to a senior in recognition of outstanding leadership, volunteer service in the Penn community, who has actively engaged in bringing various communities of the Penn community together.
- Timethius Terrell, The College of Arts & Sciences
MALCOLM X (El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) AWARD: presented to a senior in recognition of outstanding service and has facilitated positive change in the Penn community.
- Omotoyosi Abu, The Wharton School, The School of Engineering & Applied Science
THE ARTHUR FAUSET AWARD: presented to a senior for outstanding intellectual pursuit and community service.
- Lynn Larabi, The College of Arts & Sciences
to seniors for outstanding artistic achievement in theatre, dance or
music that has positively impacted the Penn community.
- Deborah Olatunji, The College of Arts & Sciences
- Jayla Rhodes, The College of Arts & Sciences
THE JACKIE ROBINSON AND ALTHEA GIBSON AWARDS: presented to seniors who have demonstrated excellent skills in the area of sports and physical fitness and positively represented their team.
- Jordan Obi, The College of Arts & Sciences
- Isabella Whittaker, The College of Arts & Sciences
THE SOJOURNER TRUTH AWARD: presented to a senior who has succeeded in spite of dire financial, physical, and/or personal problems which would ordinarily impede progress.
- Oumou Doumbia, The School of Nursing
THE EMMA LEE HIGGINBOTHAM AWARD: presented to a senior who has steadily increased their academic performance.
- Lauren St. Lewis, The College of Arts & Sciences
THE MAKUU AWARD: presented to a senior for exemplary service and community building.
- Tarah Paul, The College of Arts & Sciences
THE MAKUU AWARD: presented to a senior for exemplary service and community building.
- Tarah Paul, The College of Arts & Sciences